When I encourage people to create an aspirational vision of what they would want their organization to look like if they could have it any way they wanted it – it is often hard to get them to “think big” or “think outside of the box.”
To help people think big,
Wow – with that kind of money you could do some incredible things. I encourage you to use that question with your staff or Board one of these days to help them dream big.

A few years ago, I was privileged to facilitate strategic planning for Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore. At first, the Board was thinking about a strategy for raising money to fix up the current house. But when I asked them what they really wanted – if they could have anything – they said “New House!”
Even though they did not have property for a new house or the money, they dreamed and dreamed big – HUGE actually. You can read this earlier blog (“Ritz & Disney at Grandma’s House”) about how they dreamed.
Next week, Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore is going to break ground for their new house! You can read more about it here. They got the property and raised money – not $5 million, not $10 million or $20 million. They have raised $27.5 million and are closing in on their goal of $30 million. It is going to be an amazing place for children and families.
If I would have told the Board – in our first meeting a few years back – that they would figure out to a way to raise $30 million for this effort, I think they may have laughed me out of the room or fired me on the spot.
But this just goes to show the power of vision, aspiration, and commitment to it all. Way to go RMH of Baltimore!!! You are making an amazing Mission Impact of the lives of kids and families.