“Do you bring your “A” game to work every day?”
Even better – “Do you bring your “A” game to your life every day?”
Since we each have just one life to live, these are important questions.
In the 1996 film, Jerry Maguire – starring Tom Cruise – Jerry has an epiphany. He realizes that he and those in his sports agent business, are not doing their work the correctly. They have too many clients and are not giving them the service they deserve. He sets out to chart his own path.
Jerry was caught in a cycle of trying to do more, more, more – more clients.
He decided that less was better – better relationships, better service to clients, better life.
A lot of us get caught in the “more, more, more” cycle. But it might just be the thing that keeps us from bringing our “A” game to work every day – and to our lives.
What if you focused on less – just the top priorities at work? Remember that the Pareto Principle tells us we get 80% of the value out of 20% we put in. How much value are you really getting from those last ten-fifteen hours of your 80 hour week?
What if you devoted those hours to better sleep, exercise, and spending more time with those you care about?
You don’t have to quit your job like Jerry did to make a change. Just start at the margins.
Don’t the people in your life deserve your “A” game every day? Don’t you?