Leadership development is a lifelong journey. Hopefully, you have a Leadership Development Plan that you update regularly as you consider the next set of leadership skills you need to add to your repertoire. Here is a list for you to consider from a recent article in Harvard Business Review: 1. Emotional Aperture. Related to Emotional Intelligence, this is all about … [Read more...] about Leadership Skills Checklist
Build Your Resilience
As leaders, people watch us much more closely than we realize. We need to be role models of building our resilience so we can encourage others, and they will emulate us. In this way, we are building a resilient team. Here are things we can do to build our resilience. Many of these ideas are from a recent article in Harvard Business Review. *Begin by making this a … [Read more...] about Build Your Resilience
When to Shift Your Leadership Style
Is your leadership style the best one to use? It all depends. Over time, we all develop a leadership style that feels like a good fit for our personality and values. But, there may be situations in which you should shift your style to match the situation. Following are six common leadership styles and some ideas on when it is best to use each. This is based on a … [Read more...] about When to Shift Your Leadership Style
Build a Conflict Resilient Team
Even subtle conflict can erode trust on a team – and that is a performance killer. If you are fortunate enough to work with a high performing team, keep in mind that the relationships on the team are vital. Be vigilant in nurturing those relationships. Constructive conflict is the sign of a healthy team. When team members can respectfully challenge one another’s ideas … [Read more...] about Build a Conflict Resilient Team
Moving Past Disagreement to Dialogue
As the US becomes even more polarized, disagreements over a wide variety of topics are more and more common. The only way we can move forward as a society is to find ways to work through our disagreements and forge a path forward. How can we move past disagreement and enter into real dialogue? Here are some ideas. First, we need to adopt a mindset that the other person … [Read more...] about Moving Past Disagreement to Dialogue