We work hard and sometimes circumstances beyond our control thwart our progress. I’m often asked “How do we keep ourselves motivated in the face of all these challenges?”
I hate setbacks and external circumstances that get in my way. But I try to take “satisfaction in the cause” that I am working to advance. I wake up every day and remind myself of my mission and then take satisfaction in giving full effort to move it forward.
I also take satisfaction from working elbow to elbow with others similarly committed to the cause.
And to pursuing excellence in all we do.
Of course we want to make measurable progress toward our mission “goal line.” But we have to take satisfaction in knowing that we are pursuing noble and,
After all, it was Helen Keller who said “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
For me, at the end of each day I want to be able to say to myself: "'I have fought the good fight, I have finished my race for the day'. I have made as much Mission Impact as I possibly could today. And tomorrow is a new adventure." Good luck to you in your important, daring mission adventures.