If you could change one thing in your organization that would make a REAL difference in the IMPACT you make,
What do you have to lose by giving it a try???
Start by sharing your thoughts with a few people you trust to test your idea. If others agree then get more people on board. And then – when the timing is right –broaden your movement to more people.
The timing is not always right and sometimes it takes years of persistence to make a big change. That is the story of Carmen Medina as told in the book she co-authored with Lois Kelly, Rebels at Work.
Carmen had big ideas of changes she wanted to make at the CIA regarding the way information was shared. But, especially as a Puerto Rican woman, her ideas were rebuffed. She persevered over years, though, and made it happen. She was a leader in creating Intellipedia – an “internal Wikipedia for intelligence agencies to share knowledge.”
How can you be sure your idea is a change you “should” lead? It is hard to know. This is why many years ago, renowned theologian Reinhold Neibuhr wrote this famous prayer:
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change
Courage to change things that I can
And Wisdom to know the difference
May you have Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom as you lead change for enhanced Mission Impact.