If you are like many organizations, then very soon you and your team are coming back to the office more frequently. This is happening at the University of Maryland and – even though our team has been together for a few years – I feel like we could use a “reboot.”
A recent Harvard Business Review article on “Re-Onboarding” provides some interesting ideas about this. Here are some things you might want to do in a half-day or full-day Re-Onboard Retreat:
*We are all very busy; but try to get out of the office, in person, for a day. Unplug.
*Start with some fun; maybe some icebreakers to enjoy being together again.
*Reconnect to your Mission, Vision, & Values. Why are you here? What impact do you make? Provide examples of the difference you make for clients/customers. What is your vision for the future?
*Review the highlights of the past eighteen months. Most organizations have experienced heroic efforts from many people to make it through the COVID challenge.
*Review your organization norms – the ways in which you agree to work together. These may need to be updated, e.g., given telework.
*Look at your goals for the next six-twelve months.
You can use some or all of these ideas to help your team reboot and get used to your new normal.
Once more thing – give yourself and your team time to settle into new routines. We need to give one another time and space to get back in the swing.
*Ideas for this blog taken from: Fosslien, L., “It’s Time to Re-Onboard Everyone,” Harvard Business Review Online, August 16, 2021.