Gallup research has shown that “leaving a bad manager” is the number one reason people leave jobs – it’s not the job itself.
You are probably not a bad boss. But wouldn’t you like to know what it takes to be an AMAZING boss?
Research reported in Harvard Business Review gives us some tips on becoming more amazing bosses. Here are some of the ideas:
*Manage Individuals, Not Teams. We need to treat each person uniquely – which means taking the time to really get to know them. Get to know their strengths, their areas for improvement, and their joys. Get to know them personally as well as professionally.
*Go Big on Meaning. People want to make a difference. Show them how their job contributes to the big picture and how important they are. Remind people of the important purpose of your organization and the vision for the future that they are helping to build.
*Focus on Feedback. Don’t wait for the annual performance review to provide feedback! Provide praise regularly when you catch someone doing something right. If a correction needs to be made, then mention it immediately; not – “remember five months ago when you said that thing to Rob?”
*Listen. And listen with an open mind. Your team really does have some great ideas. Make sure to tap into those. Don’t provide a problem and a solution, and then ask for feedback. Give them the problem and let them work it out.
*Be Consistent. Do this especially with expectations and rewards. If you need to change standards for any reason, then let everyone know immediately.
Being a great boss is a challenge, given multiple personalities to deal with – as well as doing your own work. But these ideas will give us an edge in moving in the right direction. Be sure to share this with your boss – in the most constructive way possible!
*Ideas for this blog taken from: Finkelstein, J. “What Amazing Bosses Do Differently,” Harvard Business Review online, November 27, 2015.