We are overloaded by too much information!
And the amount of data available to us seems to be growing exponentially.
It is easier than ever today to fall into the trap of Analysis Paralysis – reviewing more and more information, while delaying a decision. Here are some tips to break out of it:
*How Important is the Decision? Do you need the ideal solution or is good enough going to work? Very often we can get bogged down on something that is really not that important.
*Break the Problem Down. Sometimes Analysis Paralysis sets in because the challenge is too big. Do your best to break the problem down into parts and solve each mini-problem as you go along. This will help you build momentum toward the solution.
*Narrow Your Criteria. Too long a list of decision-making factors can bog you down. What are the three most important criteria that you need to meet in order to reach an effective solution? Focus on these and set the others aside.
*Ask an Outside Trusted Advisor. When we are deeply involved in solving a problem we can sometimes get tunnel vision. If you fear you are getting into Analysis Paralysis then reach out to someone you trust, who would not be impacted by the decision. An outsider can often see some things you cannot see.
You get paralyzed because you care, and you want excellence. That is great, but you need speed along with accuracy. Use these ideas to break out of your paralysis!