Do you have a big personal goal that you don’t know how to achieve?
SWOT it! SWOT is not just for organization strategy.
First, imagine yourself accomplishing this new, big goal. (Check here to learn more about The Power of Goalsetting.)
Next – with that goal in mind – ask yourself:
What Strengths do I have that can help me achieve that goal? Don’t list all of your strengths, just the ones that you think might be helpful in achieving the goal.
What Weaknesses do I have that I may need to address in order to reach the goal. Again, don’t list all your weaknesses.
What Opportunities exist that you maybe able to seize to accomplish this goal.
Finally, what Threats do you need to watch out for that could derail you.
Now what?
First, evaluate the Weaknesses. Will these really get in the way or possible just hold you back a little? If they aren’t such a big deal, don’t worry so much about them at this point. If they are significant, then make a plan to address them. Do you need to develop new knowledge or a skill? Or – is this something that you can partner with someone on? If so, ask for their assistance.
Next, look at your Strengths and Opportunities. Do these line up in any way? Are there ways for you to seize an Opportunity with one or more of your Strengths? If so, this needs to be a priority; add that to your plan.
Once you address a Weakness, does that open up a way to pursue an Opportunity? If so, make that a part of your plan.
Don’t ignore the Threats, just keep an eye on them. If you think that they pose a significant problem then make some plans to address them.
SWOT gives you a nice tool to use to methodically brainstorm how to accomplish any goal. Use it to build an even more joyful and fulfilling life!