This is the first of a five part series on high performance teamwork, based on the book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni. The five major dysfunctions that Lencioni has identified, which is backed up by the research are: *Absence of Trust *Fear of Conflict *Lack of Commitment *Avoidance of Accountability *Inattention to Results I highly recommend … [Read more...] about Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Engaging Resistance to Change
You are trying to change things for the better, but you keep facing lots of resistance. “If people would just go along then things would be a lot better!” Well – maybe not. Maybe their resistance will make your effort even more successful. In their excellent article in Harvard Business Review, Decoding Resistance to Change, (April 2009) Jeffrey & Laurie Ford … [Read more...] about Engaging Resistance to Change
Are You Following Your Passion?
This is one of the questions that Dr. Gerald Suarez* helps us answer for ourselves in his excellent new book, Leader of One. Just before his death, Dr. Stephen Covey, provided this endorsement for Leader of One: “J. Gerald Suarez’s extraordinary experiences in the White House and on campus help frame this remarkable book by offering wise perspective and deep insight … [Read more...] about Are You Following Your Passion?
Seven Habits of High Performing Nonprofits
Mario Morino is at it again – making contributions to the improvement of the performance of nonprofits across the sector. His earlier contributions have included sponsoring the creation of the Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (check this blog for more) and then in 2011 it was writing the important book, Leap of Reason (see this blog for more). Now he has led a group of … [Read more...] about Seven Habits of High Performing Nonprofits
What Keeps You Awake at Night?
*How do we cut costs? *How can we raise more money? *Who should we hire (or let go)? These are likely candidates to keep you awake at night. But if you are a senior leader for a nonprofit then I am going to add another one to your list. I know. You are welcome. I’m not encouraging more sleepless nights, but I am encouraging you to work on something unless you are sure … [Read more...] about What Keeps You Awake at Night?