How can you develop your natural talents to make you an even higher performer? A few blogs ago I went on and on about the idea that we can achieve exceptional personal performance by further developing our natural talents – even when we are already very good at something. People ask me – how can I do this? How do I get even better at something I am already very good … [Read more...] about Teach to Learn
Leverage Your Talents & Soar!
For no commission whatsoever, I am recommending that you buy the book StrengthsFinder 2.0. That is, if you have not already. The book has been in the top ten in The Wall Street Journal list of top business books since it was published in 2007, and I recently saw it listed there in the #1 spot again. Why so popular? People are realizing that discovering and using our … [Read more...] about Leverage Your Talents & Soar!
What Great Managers Do
According to research by The Gallup Organization, “Great Managers” do four things: Select for Talent Define the Right Outcomes Focus on Strengths Find the Right Fit All of this is covered in the book, First, Break All the Rules: When Selecting for Talent, great managers interview candidates while looking for clues such as: Yearning -- what a person is drawn to; … [Read more...] about What Great Managers Do
Break All the Rules
In their ground-breaking book, First Break All the Rules, authors from The Gallup Organization report the findings from their extensive research on what strong vibrant workplaces look like and what the world’s greatest managers do to find, focus, and keep talented employees. Interestingly, they found that most managers follow incorrect assumptions about management, … [Read more...] about Break All the Rules
Making Change Stick
Recently I had a chance to do a half-day workshop on “Making Change Stick” for a group of nonprofit executives at a conference sponsored by NeighborWorks America. Here’s one of main take-aways that may help you when you are in the process of leading a change. These particular nonprofit leaders have been working on various improvements in their organizations for the past year … [Read more...] about Making Change Stick