Think of a meeting where you wanted to ask a question or speak up but didn’t. Maybe it was fear of judgment, fear of rejection or fear of being perceived as unintelligent that deterred you. You might have looked around in search of signs from others that confirmed your confusion, only to find none. But a courageous soul asks the exact same question you’ve been percolating … [Read more...] about Inquisitive Hesitancy Leadership
How to Address Family Concerns
Recently, the confirmation hearings for potential Supreme Court Justice Amy Comey Barrett brought an issue to light that hits close to home for me - being a mother of a large family. Barrett has seven children, which attracted many comments. Having three or more children is much rarer than it was in the past. 63% of women ages 40-44 have 1-2 children; only 14% have four or … [Read more...] about How to Address Family Concerns
Atomic Habits
James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, is a best seller and was recently #1 on the Wall Street Journal list of best business books. I highly recommend it! The book title is a little play on words which means that a lot of very small daily habits can compound to make an explosive difference in our lives. Here are a few of the helpful takeaways from the book. *Create an … [Read more...] about Atomic Habits
When Less Really is Better
Most leaders I talk with describe their days as a constant frenzy of meetings, emails, and urgent deliverables. How can we reorganize ourselves so that we are using our time to be as productive as possible? Here is a Productivity Exercise suggested by Kate Northrup in a recent article* in Harvard Business Review. First, pick an area of your life where you want to improve … [Read more...] about When Less Really is Better
Better Than an Energy Drink
Admittedly, I know I am a bit unusual in that I have never tried the 5-Hour Energy drink – or other competitors. And I even gave up caffeine ten years ago (I used to have a two venti per morning habit). But, according to the book, The Power of Full Engagement, there is another source of energy we can tap into. The book, and a related HBR article*, suggests that we can … [Read more...] about Better Than an Energy Drink