How do you inspire a donor to make a transformational gift? Find out what inspires them, from their heart. And you might start with making sure you are clear on what inspires you and your organization. Here are a couple of activities that you can do at an upcoming staff meeting or Board meeting. Ask: “What would the world look like if we were accomplishing our … [Read more...] about Inspire Aspirational Giving from Donors
Thank You for the Grass
Once upon a time I was married and had three young step-daughters. We thought it would be nice if the older girls, then seven and eight, would take turns saying the dinner prayer. But one night neither of them wanted to do it. “I’ll say it,” pipped up the three year-old. “Dear God, thank you for . . .” and she began to list everything she could possibly think of that … [Read more...] about Thank You for the Grass
Maximize Your Life Fulfillment
Are you “Successful” and yet – there is something bothering you about it; like its not giving you the satisfaction you thought it would? If so, you might be telling yourself you just need even more “Success” and that satisfaction is at the top of the next mountain you will climb. But maybe not. Sometimes “Success” does not lead to life satisfaction and fulfillment. … [Read more...] about Maximize Your Life Fulfillment
Leaders Set the Thermostat
If we learned anything from Covid, it’s that we can expect Change & Challenges. Sometimes BIG Changes & Challenges!!! When these arrive at our organization’s doorstep, leaders need to step up. Following are three suggestions on how you can be a leader that serves as your team’s “thermostat” – helping to influence the “temperature” of your team’s response to a … [Read more...] about Leaders Set the Thermostat
Your Legacy
In the last days of your life – when you look back – what difference do you hope to have made in the world? What memories will give you joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment? What do you want those who are close to you to remember? When we answer these questions, we are beginning to identify what we want the core purpose of our life to be. There are few things more … [Read more...] about Your Legacy