We all face challenging decisions on the job from time to time. A recent article from Harvard Business Review* suggests answering five questions that can help clarify a decision: 1. What are the net, net consequences of all my options? 2. What are my core obligations? 3. What will work in the world as it is? 4. Who are we? 5. What can I live with? Net-Net … [Read more...] about Five Questions for Better Decisions
Ambitious Goals and Wells Fargo
In recent years, some researchers* have suggested that setting goals – especially ambitious goals – can increase the possibility of individuals taking unethical actions to accomplish those goals. The recent revelations about practices at Wells Fargo quickly come to mind. For those not following closely, here are the highlights – or lowlights. *Regulators found that the … [Read more...] about Ambitious Goals and Wells Fargo
Leaders: More than Dreamers
We take special time this week to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the impact he has made on society. In communities and schools across the nation, his “I Have a Dream” speech will be replayed and recited. “I Have a Dream” is an amazing speech and aspirational vision that Dr. King shared with us. But effective leaders – like Dr. King – are much more … [Read more...] about Leaders: More than Dreamers
Leaders are Always Visible
These are definitely challenging times for leaders of all types of organizations. As I have met with C-suite leaders over the course of this past year since becoming Dean at Villanova, I have heard time and time again about how their role has increasingly changed so that now they feel they are being asked to “weigh in” on events in the news on a regular basis. Very different … [Read more...] about Leaders are Always Visible
Conduct a Premortem
We’ve all seen the TV docs do a postmortem to figure out why and how a victim died so the NCIS detectives can catch the bad guy. A lot of organizations will conduct a postmortem after a big event or project has concluded to do an evaluation (though I prefer an After Action Review, since I hope no one died while implementing the project). Research has demonstrated … [Read more...] about Conduct a Premortem