We take special time this week to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the impact he has made on society. In communities and schools across the nation, his “I Have a Dream” speech will be replayed and recited. “I Have a Dream” is an amazing speech and aspirational vision that Dr. King shared with us. But effective leaders – like Dr. King – are much more … [Read more...] about Leaders: More than Dreamers
Your Strategy & Your Board
How involved should your Board be with your strategic planning process? As usual, opinions vary all over the map on this question. On one end of the spectrum, some people view strategy-making as the responsibility of the staff. The Board should be generally informed – and certainly consulted if anything “wild” is being considered – but their main role is to ask good … [Read more...] about Your Strategy & Your Board
The Secret of Alchemy
The last days of summer are speeding by, but there is still time to pick up a book for that final summer read at the beach or pool this weekend. And I recommend The Alchemist by Paul Coelho. The Alchemist is an oldie, but goodie that I finally got around to reading recently. It is a fable of a young man who goes in search of his destiny. The Alchemist he meets in the … [Read more...] about The Secret of Alchemy
Building Cathedrals
What are your dreams? If you could have it any way you wanted it, what would your organization be like – so that you could make the greatest Mission Impact possible? Dream and dream big. It was Longfellow who once wrote: Let us build such a church that those who come after us will think we were madmen’, said the old canon of Seville . . . Perhaps through every mind … [Read more...] about Building Cathedrals
Good is the Enemy of Great
Every chance I get, I talk with people about how to pursue breakthrough performance. And I can tell this gets on some people’s nerves. “Rob, we are working our butts off and now you are suggesting we do more? Why?” Yes, I am suggesting that more is possible. Why? Because there are millions of people on our planet who need more and better. And “No,” I am not … [Read more...] about Good is the Enemy of Great