You probably have things in your organization that you know need to change, that you want to change, that you know absolutely must change, but – how do you get started? Many experts agree that the first step in leading a change is to create a “sense of urgency” among those who need to help make that change happen. But how do you do that? One of my favorite recipes for … [Read more...] about A “Mess” of Trouble is Heading our Way!
SMART v. 3.0, Almost Impossible Goals
There are times, many times, that setting an Almost Impossible Goal – a goal that you think only has a 1% chance of being accomplished – can be the SMART thing to do. Let’s quickly recap my recent SMART blogs. First, all goals should be Specific, Measurable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. The question is, “What ‘A’ do you use to fill out the formula?” Attainable Goals are … [Read more...] about SMART v. 3.0, Almost Impossible Goals
SMART v. 2.0, Aggressive Goals
This blog looks at another “A-word” to fill out the SMART recipe in which the other letters are Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Time-Bound. Last time we looked at “Attainable" goals as an “A” option. While there are some good reasons to use “Attainable” goals, I pointed out that one important finding from the goal research is: The more difficult the goal, the higher the … [Read more...] about SMART v. 2.0, Aggressive Goals
SMART v. 1.0, Attainable Goals
There are more than one hundred different versions of the popular SMART Goal formula. I am going to compare three versions in this blog and the next two blogs. The three versions I will review all have the same words for SMRT that I explained in the last blog: Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Time-Bound. The difference in the three versions we’ll look at is the “A” … [Read more...] about SMART v. 1.0, Attainable Goals
Set Goals as Outcomes, Not Activities
You will increase your personal and organizational effectiveness by setting your goals as “outcomes” instead of “activities.” In my first blog about Goals, I encouraged you to set more goals. Now we will focus on how to set them most effectively. Setting goals as outcomes makes you focus on what you really want. Consider the simple example of this goal: “To receive $500, … [Read more...] about Set Goals as Outcomes, Not Activities