“Hey – Thank You.” “Thanks!” “Thank you – I really appreciate it.” Do you take the time to say Thank You in your workplace? Or are you in such a rush that when someone does something that is part of their job description, that you just run away without saying a word? Research reported in The Wall Street Journal states that saying Thank You can “increase … [Read more...] about Your Gratitude Attitude
Effective Empowerment of Your Team
Do you do the project yourself . . . or empower a team member? This is a classic dilemma for leaders. On one hand, you know how you would like the project to go. On the other, you will never maximize the impact of your team if you do not give them new assignments. Following are some guidelines to use to make your empowerment of team members actually work: *Prepare … [Read more...] about Effective Empowerment of Your Team
Inspire Aspirational Giving from Donors
How do you inspire a donor to make a transformational gift? Find out what inspires them, from their heart. And you might start with making sure you are clear on what inspires you and your organization. Here are a couple of activities that you can do at an upcoming staff meeting or Board meeting. Ask: “What would the world look like if we were accomplishing our … [Read more...] about Inspire Aspirational Giving from Donors
Your Addiction to Busyness
“We’re Lost, But We’re Making Good Time.” This is one of my favorite Mario Morino quotes. It exemplifies one of the bad things that can happen when an organization confuses “activity” with “achievement.” Our culture is partly to blame. Busyness has become a status symbol. In fact, recent research suggests that people who exert high effort are considered “morally … [Read more...] about Your Addiction to Busyness
Advance Your DEIB Efforts
Are people on your team feeling that they really belong? Many organizations are paying extra attention to their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging efforts. However, recent research from Gallup shows that many Employees are not satisfied with the results. Following are some examples based on surveys of Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) and Employees of the … [Read more...] about Advance Your DEIB Efforts